You are welcome to share your prayer requests with the community here, write an anonymous prayer, share a prayer with church staff only, or pray for other prayers on this page. We are all a community, nobody prays alone. Please share your prayers and prayer requests here with us.

Community Prayer

Please partner with us and those who have submitted these prayers. We never pray alone.


Revelation 11:19 And the temple of God was opened in heaven, and there was seen in his temple the ark of his covenant : and there were lightnings, and voices, and thunderings, and an earthquake, and great hail. Father-God by the blood of Jesus hear in Your holy temple we Your saints prayers this day,forgive our sins our giving into the lust of the flesh & the lust of the eyes & the pride of life/we forgive those who have sinned against us and unleash Your glory & power mightily in & through us scattering every Satanic work coming against the Name and fame of our Lord Jesus, in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ we pray & love & praise You, amen!


I need clarity and wisdom from the Lord as I make an important decision regarding a commitment I’ve taken on. Please pray for God’s guidance and peace as I seek His will. If the right decision is to step away from this role, I ask for your prayers that I can do so smoothly, with grace and favor, and in a way that ensures a positive transition for the students and maintains good relationships. Thank you for your prayers and support.


Agree I increase inhealing and prosperity


Ha-Young, Ye-Young, Eui-Sup, Jung-Won, In-Sook, and Eun-Tae, please pray for us and for all those who pray for us. Most people, after reflecting on what has happened in their lives, often use their own logic and focus on what they are satisfied with, saying that "God did this for me" or "this was God's will." I don’t deny these things, but the Bible teaches that before God acts according to His will, He first speaks to those He has chosen and loves. In John 14:29, Jesus tells His disciples that He speaks to them beforehand so that when things happen, they might believe. The Bible also clarifies that faith is not for everyone, and it is something we can only receive if God grants it to us. In Ezekiel 36, it says that God removes our stony hearts "from our flesh" before giving us a new spirit. He gives us a new heart and His Spirit so that we may live according to His commandments. Jesus also said, "My words are spirit, and he who keeps My commandments, he who loves Me, will be loved by Me, and I will manifest Myself to him." And His commandment is this: "Love one another." In conclusion, believing in Him and obeying His commandments depends entirely on God. He speaks to those He loves before things happen, and all blessings come from Him to those who ask. Pray that God will grant us the following: "Take our stony hearts from us and speak to us directly with Your own mouth; bring to pass all that You have decreed in our lives, so that we may see what You have done and believe what You said from the beginning; and help us all to keep Your commandments and make our dwelling with You."


Thanks to all of you for your prayers for my daughter in-law Marie. Her cancer treatment begins on January 10th. She has found out she also has a brain tumor that needs to be removed within the next 2 months. She knows she has come this far because of all the prayers and specifically those from the Prayer Warriors of this church. She is asking for your help again, and so am I. Thank you for holding her up to the Father for strength, courage, healing and peace. Judy McClellan