Make Room For Relationships

This week, open your home to one or more families in your neighborhood for a simple get together. Be intentional about getting to know their stories and look for ways to pray for or humbly serve them.


Make Room for Covenant Relationships


Hebrews 10:24-25: 24 And let us consider one another in order to provoke love and good works, 25 not neglecting to gather together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging each other, and all the more as you see the day approaching.


The writer of Hebrews is exhorting these believers to not forsake

gathering together as a community of Christ-followers. This source of community between these believers should spur on love between them, holding one another up during times of hardship and abundance. As they continue to do life together, they are to encourage one another to be steadfast alongside each other.


Pastor Jonathon Pokluda once said, “Community is forged, not found.” Being a part of a community of believers is not always easy. It takes effort on our part to be intentional in finding our people who will be with us through both the valleys and mountaintops of life. When we forsake the community of believers, we lose the connection with other believers that God designed us for. Although it may not always be easy, it is essential for every Christian to be engaged in biblical community for their own (and others) spiritual growth!


Pray that you would be intentional in finding the community of believers that God has for you. Ask Him for the courage and boldness to step out and find your people! If you already are a part of a community, ask God to have open eyes to see the needs of the people in your circle.

DAY 16: February 10

Make Room for Biblical Community


John 13:34-35: 34 I give you a new command: Love one another. Just as I have loved you, you are also to love one another. 35 By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.


The commandment to “Love God” wasn’t new to those to whom Jesus was speaking. In fact, many of them knew and could recite the Old Testament passage in Deuteronomy that mandated to love God with all of their heart, soul, mind, and strength. However, Jesus took this idea to a new level. To be a follower of Jesus, you can’t just “Love God”, but are called to “Love one another just as Jesus loved us.” It would now be the identity of a Christ follower: not rules, not knowledge, not even going to church on a regular basis.


What does it mean to “Love one another just as Jesus loved us?” What are the characteristics that we see demonstrated in the love of Jesus? 1 Corinthians 13 reminds us what love looks like on display. Love is patient, kind, sacrificial, serving, and delights in generosity. Sometimes in our culture the idea of “love” is captured by feelings, romance, or physical attraction. While love may encompass some of those things, the reality is that God’s love for us is deeper than anything this world has to offer and our love for one another is to be defined by this same type of sacrificial love. What could you do today to love your spouse with a sacrificial love? How could you display a patient love with your children or grandchildren today? What would love look like to a neighbor today? A stranger in the store? Commit today that the greatest thing you could do to tell others about Jesus is to love them well!


As you read over John 13 and 1 Corinthians 13 today, ask God to show you ways where you might need to grow in displaying love to others. Ask Him to highlight and celebrate areas where you usually do well loving others. Thank Him for His beautiful life and reminder of what love looks like and commit to loving others as He first loved us.


Make Room for Authentic Love


Philippians 2:3-4: 3 Do nothing out of selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility consider others as more important than yourselves. 4 Everyone should look not to his own interests, but rather to the interests of others.


Verse 3 describes two contrasting attitudes. The first attitude should be discarded from your life, the other developed. The verse begins with the charge to, “... do nothing out of selfish ambition or conceit.” The word ‘conceit’ comes from the Greek word kenodoxia. Kenodoxia is the combination of the two Greek words “empty” and “glory”. It refers to those who have an exaggerated perception of their own self. They are all about their personal “glory”, but in reality are “empty” of true

spiritual health. This attitude should be destroyed in us all. The attitude to develop is humility – considering others better than yourself. The supreme example is, of course, Christ. He is the opposite of kenodoxia. He has true glory beyond measure, yet He emptied Himself because of his love for us.


C.S. Lewis said, “Humility is not thinking less of yourself, but thinking of yourself less.” We live in the era of the sovereign self. That is, in our culture the self is king. We spend so much time and energy analyzing ourselves, pampering ourselves and living for ourselves. Yet the Christian’s calling is to consider other people as more important. This doesn’t mean that we never take care of ourselves. After all, the Bible reminds us that our body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, and that we must take care of it. But it does mean that when it comes to being a godly spouse, friend, child or fiancé – stop thinking about yourself! Put the interest of others before your own interests! The more you focus on others, the less you’ll focus on yourself.


Spend time today asking God for three things: 1. Ask Him to help you think of yourself less. 2. Spend some time praying for other people. Pray for the members of your family by name. Pray for your friends by name. And then pause for 1-2 minutes and see who else the Holy Spirit brings to mind, and then pray for them, too. 3. Ask God to help you see opportunities to sacrifice your own desires for the good of someone else.


Make Room for Sacrifice


Exodus 20:8-11: 8 Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy: 9 You are to labor six days and do all your work, 10 but the seventh day is a Sabbath to the Lord your God. You must not do any work—you, your son or daughter, your male or female servant, your livestock, or the resident alien who is within your city gates. 11 For the Lord made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and everything in them in six days; then He rested on the seventh day. Therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and declared it holy.


Moses received these instructions, a portion of what is commonly

known as the “Ten Commandments,” on top of Mount Sinai during the Exodus. In the midst of smoke, thunder, lightning, and earthquakes the Lord met Moses and gave Him the core of what would become The Law for God’s people. His command was to “... remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.” The day itself was reserved for the Lord, and during this time the Israelites were instructed to abstain from work. They were to rest and honor the Lord, following the example demonstrated by God at the creation of all things.


It is very possible that we find ourselves burned out, overwhelmed, and stressed because we do not make room for protected time each week and keep it holy. It becomes easy to discount the importance of the Sabbath when things need to get done, people are waiting, and life is happening. Often, we forget two important points: 1. “Remembering the Sabbath” is a command, not a suggestion. God has told us exactly what He intends for that blessed day– rest, worship, devotion. 2. We are

designed to need the Sabbath. We are only truly restored and equipped in the presence of God. May we return to honoring this divine rhythm in our lives.


Honor the Sabbath this weekend. Keep it holy by seeking the Lord in constant prayer. Keep a dialogue open with Him, listening and sharing thoughts and emotions all day. Reflect on the previous week and how the Lord was faithful to you. Ask to be equipped for the week ahead.


Make Room for the Sabbath


Luke 10:38-42: 38 While they were traveling, He entered a village, and a woman named Martha welcomed Him into her home. 39 She had a sister named Mary, who also sat at the Lord’s feet and was listening to what He said. 40 But Martha was distracted by her many tasks, and she came up and asked, “Lord, don’t you care that my sister has left me to serve alone? So tell her to give me a hand.” 41 The Lord answered her, “Martha, Martha, you are worried and upset about many things, 42 but one thing is necessary. Mary has made the right choice, and it will not be taken away from her.”


The story of these two sisters and their interactions with Jesus teaches us the immeasurable value of fellowship with God. While Martha was distracted, Mary was devoted. Jesus’ response to the posture of Mary invites all of us to lay everything else down, sit at His feet, and enjoy a deep relationship with Him. Jesus is our most wonderful treasure, worthy of our full praise. Nothing can compare to Him!


There are countless things, both good and bad, that we could spend our time on throughout the day. The very best thing is to sit at the feet of Jesus. We have received an incredible opportunity to walk intimately with the Creator of all things who promises to be with us always! But far too often, we forsake His invitation for lesser things. The way we spend our time reveals the treasure of our hearts. Each day presents a choice for how to invest our time, attention, and affection. We can choose, like Mary, to sit at the feet of Jesus at any time and any place! How will you make room in your life to rest in abiding fellowship with Jesus?


Pray for God to show you where your treasure is. Are you currently living like Martha, troubled and anxious about many things? Or are you more like Mary, enjoying and resting in the presence of Jesus? Ask God to show you how to sit at His feet today. Pray for Him to remind you of the incredible gift it is to have fellowship with Him! Ask for help making room for Him in every moment of your day, so you can walk closer with Him.


Make Room to Sit at Jesus’ Feet


John 15:4-5: 4 Remain in me, and I in you. Just as a branch is unable to produce fruit by itself unless it remains on the vine, neither can you unless you remain in me. 5 I am the vine; you are the branches. The one who remains in me and I in him produces much fruit, because you can do nothing without me.


When we get frustrated with life, it’s easy to feel frustrated with

God. We wonder why things are going wrong and feel angry in our circumstances. But how often does our frustrations and fruitlessness come from a lack of abiding in the Lord’s presence and listening to His teachings. In these verses, Jesus is reminding us that the only way to a fulfilling life is through our relationship with Him. Without Him we can do nothing, but with Him we are blessed beyond measure.


This decision to abide in Christ is not a one and done choice. Because of our sinful nature, there is a constant spiritual battle going on inside us. Every single day we must wake up and choose to spend time with Jesus, to dwell in His presence, and learn from His Word. When we learn to maintain this habit of walking with Christ, He blesses us in ways that we can’t imagine. When Jesus says “apart from me you can do nothing” we need to recognize that this comes down to us making a choice to live in obedience and unity with Christ. We must acknowledge that whenever we try to do things on our own, we are like a branch that withers away, and it is only through God that we can be fruitful.


Whatever is currently going on in your life, take a few moments to include God in it. Jesus wants to be a part of every decision, and in every aspect of your journey. Ask the Lord to walk with you as you take on the highs and lows of daily life and ask for help in keeping your heart open to His presence, His voice, and His guidance.


Make Room to Abide in Christ


John 15:4-5: 4 Remain in me, and I in you. Just as a branch is unable to produce fruit by itself unless it remains on the vine, neither can you unless you remain in me. 5 I am the vine; you are the branches. The one who remains in me and I in him produces much fruit, because you can do nothing without me.


When we get frustrated with life, it’s easy to feel frustrated with God. We wonder why things are going wrong and feel angry in our circumstances. But how often does our frustrations and fruitlessness come from a lack of abiding in the Lord’s presence and listening to His teachings. In these verses, Jesus is reminding us that the only way to a fulfilling life is through our relationship with Him. Without Him we can do nothing, but with Him we are blessed beyond measure.


This decision to abide in Christ is not a one and done choice. Because of our sinful nature, there is a constant spiritual battle going on inside us. Every single day we must wake up and choose to spend time with Jesus, to dwell in His presence, and learn from His Word. When we learn to maintain this habit of walking with Christ, He blesses us in ways that we can’t imagine. When Jesus says “apart from me you can do nothing” we need to recognize that this comes down to us making a choice to live in obedience and unity with Christ. We must acknowledge that whenever we try to do things on our own, we are like a branch that withers away, and it is only through God that we can be fruitful.


Whatever is currently going on in your life, take a few moments to include God in it. Jesus wants to be a part of every decision, and in every aspect of your journey. Ask the Lord to walk with you as you take on the highs and lows of daily life and ask for help in keeping your heart open to His presence, His voice, and His guidance.